Source code for blackbird.program

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-instance-attributes
Blackbird Program class

**Module name:** `blackbird.program`

.. currentmodule:: blackbird.program

This module contains a Python class representing a Blackbird
program using standard Python data types.

The functions :func:`~.load`, and :func:`~.loads` will read Blackbird scripts
and return an instance of the :class:`BlackbirdProgram` class.


.. autosummary::

Code details
import copy
from typing import Iterable

import numpy as np
import sympy as sym

[docs]def numpy_to_blackbird(A, var_name): """Converts a numpy array to a Blackbird script array type. Args: A (array): 2-dimensional NumPy array var_name (str): the array variable name Returns: list[str]: list containing each line representing the Blackbird array variable declaration """ if np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.complexfloating): # complex array script = ["complex array {}[{}, {}] =".format(var_name, *A.shape)] for row in A: row_str = " " + ", ".join( ["{0}{1}{2}j".format(n.real, "+-"[int(n.imag < 0)], abs(n.imag)) for n in row] ) script.append(row_str) elif np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.integer): # integer array script = ["int array {}[{}, {}] =".format(var_name, *A.shape)] for row in A: row_str = " " + ", ".join(["{}".format(int(n)) for n in row]) script.append(row_str) elif np.issubdtype(A.dtype, np.floating): # real array script = ["float array {}[{}, {}] =".format(var_name, *A.shape)] for row in A: row_str = " " + ", ".join(["{}".format(n) for n in row]) script.append(row_str) else: # unknown array type raise ValueError("Array {} is of unsupported type {}".format(A, A.dtype)) script.append("") return script
[docs]class BlackbirdProgram: """Python representation of a Blackbird program."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name="blackbird_program", version="1.0"): self._var = {} self._forvar = {} self._modes = set() # the following attributes fully describe a Blackbird program self._name = name self._version = version self._target = {"name": None, "options": dict()} self._type = {"name": None, "options": dict()} self._operations = [] self._parameters = []
@property def name(self): """Name of the Blackbird program Returns: str: name """ return self._name @property def version(self): """Version of the Blackbird parser the program targets Returns: str: version number """ return self._version @property def modes(self): """A set of non-negative integers specifying the mode numbers the program manipulates. Returns: set[int]: mode numbers """ return self._modes @property def target(self): """Contains information regarding the target device of the quantum program (i.e., the target device the Blackbird script is compiled for). Important keys include: * ``'name'`` (Union[str, None]): the name of the device the Blackbird script requests to be run on. If no target is requested, the returned value will be ``None``. * ``'options'`` (dict): a dictionary of keyword arguments for the target device Returns: dict[str->[str, dict]]: target information """ return self._target @property def programtype(self): """Information regarding the type of program that is to be run on the device. Important keys include: * ``'name'`` (Union[str, None]): the name of the type of program that is to be run on the device (e.g. 'TDM'). If no type is requested, the returned value will be ``None``. * ``'options'`` (dict): a dictionary of keyword arguments for the type (e.g. 'copies') Returns: dict[str->[str, dict]]: type information """ return self._type @property def operations(self): """List of operations to apply to the device, in temporal order. Each operation is contained as a dictionary, with the following keys: * ``'op'`` (str): the name of the operation * ``'args'`` (list): a list of positional arguments for the operation * ``'kwargs'`` (dict): a dictionary of keyword arguments for the operation * ``'modes'`` (list[int]): modes the operation applies to Note that, depending on the operation, both ``'args'`` and ``'kwargs'`` might be empty. Returns: list[dict]: operation information """ return self._operations @property def parameters(self): """List of free parameters the Blackbird script depends on. Returns: List[str]: list of free parameter names """ return set([str(i) for i in self._parameters]) @property def variables(self): """List of variables in the Blackbird program. Returns: dict[str, float]: dictionary of variables """ return self._var
[docs] def is_template(self): """Returns ``True`` if there is at least one free parameter. Returns: bool: True if a template """ return bool(self.parameters)
[docs] def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Create a new Blackbird program, with all free parameters initialized to their passed values. Returns: Program: """ if not self.parameters: raise ValueError("Program is not a template!") prog = copy.deepcopy(self) prog._parameters = [] # pylint: disable=protected-access # extract the values in any kwarg Iterables so that these correspond to # the single valued parsed parameters `parametername_i_j` new_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, Iterable): if np.ndim(v) != 2: raise ValueError("Invalid dim for free parameter provided. Must have dim 2.") added_kwargs = { k + "_{}_{}".format(i, j): val for i, row in enumerate(v) for j, val in enumerate(row) } new_kwargs.update(added_kwargs) del new_kwargs[k] kwargs = new_kwargs # set values for args and kwargs in operations for op in prog._operations: # pylint: disable=protected-access if 'args' not in op: continue for idx, a in enumerate(op['args']): if isinstance(a, sym.Expr): par = list(a.free_symbols) func = sym.lambdify(par, a) try: vals = {str(p): kwargs[str(p)] for p in par} except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for free parameter provided") op['args'][idx] = func(**vals) for k, v in op['kwargs'].items(): if isinstance(v, sym.Expr): par = list(v.free_symbols) func = sym.lambdify(par, v) try: vals = {str(p): kwargs[str(p)] for p in par} except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for free parameter provided") op['kwargs'][k] = func(**vals) # set values for variables and arrays for k, v in prog._var.items(): # pylint: disable=protected-access # it can either be an independent parameter for a variable if isinstance(v, sym.Expr): par = list(v.free_symbols) func = sym.lambdify(par, v) try: vals = {str(p): kwargs[str(p)] for p in par} except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for free parameter provided") prog._var[k] = func(**vals) # or encapsulated in an array elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): # look through the array and, if there are any parameters, # replace them with their corresponding values from kwargs populated_array = copy.deepcopy(v) for i, j in np.ndindex(v.shape): if isinstance(v[i][j], sym.Expr): par = list(v[i][j].free_symbols) func = sym.lambdify(par, v[i][j]) try: vals = {str(p): kwargs[str(p)] for p in par} except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid value for free parameter provided") populated_array[i][j] = func(**vals) prog._var[k] = populated_array return prog
[docs] def __len__(self): """The length of the quantum program (i.e., the number of operations applied). Returns: int: program length """ return len(self._operations)
[docs] def serialize(self): """Serializes the blackbird program, returning a valid Blackbird script as a string. Returns: str: the blackbird script representing the BlackbirdProgram object """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # top level metadata var_count = 0 array_insert = 3 script = ["name {}".format(, "version {}".format(self.version)] # add target and type to the script for name, data in [("target",, ("type", self.programtype)]: if data["name"] is not None: array_insert += 1 options = "" if data["options"]: # if the target has options, compile them into # the expected syntax option_strings = [] for k, v in data["options"].items(): if not isinstance(v, str): option_strings.append("{}={}".format(k, v)) else: option_strings.append('{}="{}"'.format(k, v)) options = " ({})".format(", ".join(option_strings)) # add metadata script.append("{} {}{}".format(name, data["name"], options)) # line break script.append("") # add variables to the script if self.programtype["name"] == "tdm": from .listener import NUMPY_TYPES # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel inv_type_map = {np.dtype(v).kind: k for k, v in NUMPY_TYPES.items()} for k, v in self._var.items(): var_type = inv_type_map[np.array(v).dtype.kind] array_string = "" if isinstance(v, Iterable): for row in v: array_string += "\n " + "".join("{}, ".format(i) for i in row)[:-2] script.append("{} array {} ={}".format(var_type, k, array_string)) else: script.append("{} array {} =\n{}".format(var_type, k, v)) # line break script.append("") # loop through each quantum operation for op in self.operations: if len(op["modes"]) == 1: modes = op["modes"][0] else: modes = op["modes"] # check if the operation has any arguments if "args" in op: args = [] kwargs = [] # loop through position arguments for v in op["args"]: # for each operation argument, format it # correctly depending on its type if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): # create an array variable var_name = "A{}".format(var_count) args.append(var_name) var_count += 1 # add array declaration to script after the metadata block bb_array = numpy_to_blackbird(v, var_name) for idx, line in enumerate(bb_array): script.insert(array_insert + idx, line) array_insert += len(bb_array) elif isinstance(v, str): # argument is a string type; if a p-type parameter (e.g. p0), # then simply add it as is if self.programtype["name"] == "tdm" and v[0] == "p" and v[1:].isdigit(): args.append(v) else: args.append('"{}"'.format(v)) elif isinstance(v, complex): # argument is a complex type args.append("{}{}{}j".format(v.real, "+-"[int(v.imag < 0)], np.abs(v.imag))) elif isinstance(v, sym.Expr): # argument contains free parameters res = str(v) for p in v.free_symbols: res = res.replace(str(p), "{"+str(p)+"}") args.append(res) else: # anything that doesn't need to be dealt with as a special case, # i.e., booleans, ints, floats. args.append("{}".format(v)) # loop through keyword argument for k, v in op["kwargs"].items(): # for each operation argument, format it # correctly depending on its type if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): # create an array variable var_name = "A{}".format(var_count) kwargs.append("{}={}".format(k, var_name)) var_count += 1 # add array declaration to script bb_array = numpy_to_blackbird(v, var_name) for idx, line in enumerate(bb_array): script.insert(array_insert + idx, line) array_insert += len(bb_array) elif isinstance(v, str): # kwarg is a string type; if a p-type parameter (e.g. p0), # then simply add it as is if self.programtype["name"] == "tdm" and v[0] == "p" and v[1:].isdigit(): kwargs.append("{}={}".format(k, v)) else: kwargs.append('{}="{}"'.format(k, v)) elif isinstance(v, complex): kwargs.append( "{}={}{}{}j".format(k, v.real, "+-"[int(v.imag < 0)], np.abs(v.imag)) ) else: kwargs.append("{}={}".format(k, v)) if args and kwargs: arguments = "({}, {})".format(", ".join(args), ", ".join(kwargs)) elif not kwargs: arguments = "({})".format(", ".join(args)) elif not args: arguments = "({})".format(", ".join(kwargs)) script.append("{}{} | {}".format(op["op"], arguments, modes)) else: # operation has no arguments script.append("{} | {}".format(op["op"], modes)) if script[-1] != "": # add a newline script.append("") return "\n".join(script)