Source code for blackbird.listener

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-instance-attributes
Python Blackbird Listener

**Module name:** `blackbird.listener`

.. currentmodule:: blackbird.listener

This module contains the main Blackbird listener,
:class:`~.BlackbirdListener`. It inherits from the class :class:`.blackbirdListener`
contained in the file ````, which is autogenerated
by ANTLR4.

In addition, a small utility function, which automates the parsing of a
Blackbird script and returns the completed listener, is included.


.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=protected-access
import os
import warnings

import antlr4

import numpy as np
import sympy as sym

from .blackbirdLexer import blackbirdLexer
from .blackbirdParser import blackbirdParser
from .blackbirdListener import blackbirdListener

from .error import BlackbirdErrorListener, BlackbirdSyntaxError
from .auxiliary import _expression, _get_arguments, _literal, _VAR, _PARAMS
from .program import BlackbirdProgram

    "array": np.ndarray,
    "float": float,
    "complex": complex,
    "int": int,
    "str": str,
    "bool": bool,
"""dict[str->type]: Mapping from the allowed Blackbird types
to the equivalent Python/NumPy types."""

    "float": np.float64,
    "complex": np.complex128,
    "int": np.int64,
    "str": np.str_,
    "bool": np.bool_,
"""dict[str->type]: Mapping from the allowed Blackbird array types
to the equivalent NumPy data types."""

[docs]def is_ptype(p): """Checks whether a parameter is in the form `p0`, `p1`, etc.""" return str(p)[0] == "p" and str(p)[1:].isdigit()
[docs]class RegRefTransform: """Class to represent a classical register transform. Args: expr (sympy.Expr): a SymPy expression representing the RegRef transform """
[docs] def __init__(self, expr): """After initialization, the RegRefTransform has four attributes which may be inspected to translate the Blackbird program to a simulator or quantum hardware: * :attr:`expr` * :attr:`func` * :attr:`regrefs` * :attr:`func_str` """ regref_symbols = list(expr.free_symbols) self.expr = expr """sympy.Expr: The input symbolic expression.""" # get the Python function represented by the regref transform self.func = sym.lambdify(regref_symbols, expr) """function: Scalar function that takes one or more values corresponding to measurement results, and outputs a single numeric value.""" # get the regrefs involved self.regrefs = [int(str(i)[1:]) for i in regref_symbols] """list[int]: List of integers corresponding to the modes that are measured and act as inputs to :attr:`func`. Note that the order of this list corresponds to the order that the measured mode results should be passed to the function.""" self.func_str = str(expr) """str: String representation of the RegRefTransform function."""
[docs] def __str__(self): """Print formatting""" return self.func_str
__repr__ = __str__
[docs]class BlackbirdListener(blackbirdListener): """Listener to run a Blackbird program and extract the program queue and target information. On initialization, an empty :class:`~.BlackbirdProgram` object is initialized. Over the course of the parsing, the program details are filled in according to the parsed script. Once parsing is complete, the :class:`~.BlackbirdProgram` object can be returned via the :attr:`program` attribute. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cwd=None): self._program = BlackbirdProgram() self._includes = {} self._cwd = cwd self._in_for = False if cwd is None: # assume the current directory self._cwd = os.getcwd()
@property def program(self): """Returns the parsed blackbird program""" return self._program
[docs] def exitDeclarename(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.DeclarenameContext): """Run after exiting program name metadata. Args: ctx: DeclarenameContext """ self._program._name = ctx.programname().getText()
[docs] def exitVersion(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.VersionContext): """Run after exiting version metadata. Args: ctx: VersionContext """ self._program._version = ctx.versionnumber().getText()
[docs] def exitTarget(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.TargetContext): """Run after exiting target metadata. Args: ctx: TargetContext """ self._program._target["name"] = ctx.device().getText() kwargs = {} if ctx.arguments(): args, kwargs = _get_arguments(ctx.arguments()) if args: warnings.warn( "Target devices only accept keyword options of the form " "option=value. All positional arguments without a named " "option will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) self._program._target["options"] = kwargs
def exitDeclaretype(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.DeclaretypeContext): self._program._type["name"] = ctx.programtype().getText() kwargs = {} if ctx.arguments(): args, kwargs = _get_arguments(ctx.arguments()) if args: warnings.warn( "Only keyword options of the form option=value are" "supported. All positional arguments without a named option" "will be ignored.", SyntaxWarning, ) self._program._type["options"] = kwargs
[docs] def exitInclude(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.IncludeContext): """Run after exiting include statement. Args: ctx: IncludeContext """ filename = os.path.join(self._cwd, ctx.STR().getText()[1:-1]) # check if filename has already been included for _, f in self._includes.items(): if f[0] == filename: return cwd = os.path.dirname(filename) data = antlr4.FileStream(filename) # parse the included file lexer = blackbirdLexer(data) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = blackbirdParser(stream) parser.removeErrorListeners() parser.addErrorListener(BlackbirdErrorListener()) tree = parser.start() listener = BlackbirdListener(cwd=cwd) walker = antlr4.ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(listener, tree) # add parsed blackbird program to the include # dictionary bb = listener.program self._includes[] = [filename, bb] # make sure to also add all nested includes # to the top level include dictionary self._includes.update(listener._includes)
[docs] def exitExpressionvar(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ExpressionvarContext): """Run after exiting an expression variable. Args: ctx: variable context """ name = vartype = ctx.vartype().getText() if child = line = child.start.line col = child.start.column if child.REGREF(): raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Variable name '{}' is reserved for register references".format( line, col, name ) ) if child.reserved(): raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Variable name '{}' is a reserved Blackbird keyword".format( line, col, name ) ) if ctx.expression(): value = _expression(ctx.expression()) elif ctx.nonnumeric(): value = _literal(ctx.nonnumeric()) if isinstance(value, sym.Expr): # If the expression is a parameter, save it in the variables list _VAR final_value = value else: try: # assume all variables are scalar final_value = PYTHON_TYPES[vartype](value) except TypeError: try: # maybe one of the variables was a NumPy array? final_value = NUMPY_TYPES[vartype](value) except: # nope raise TypeError( "Var {} = {} is not of declared type {}".format(name, value, vartype) ) from None _VAR[name] = final_value
[docs] def exitArrayvar(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ArrayvarContext): """Run after exiting an array variable. Args: ctx: array variable context """ name = vartype = ctx.vartype().getText() if child = line = child.start.line col = child.start.column if child.REGREF(): raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Variable name '{}' is reserved for register references".format( line, col, name ) ) if child.reserved(): raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Variable name '{}' is a reserved Blackbird keyword".format( line, col, name ) ) shape = None if ctx.shape(): shape = tuple([int(i) for i in ctx.shape().getText().split(",")]) value = [] parameters = [] array_rows = 0 # loop through all children of the 'arrayval' branch and create 2 1-d # arrays with values and parameters respectively; insert the parameters # into the value-array after type casting/validation and then reshape for i in ctx.arrayval().getChildren(): # Check if the child is an array row (this is to # avoid the '\n' row delimiter) if isinstance(i, blackbirdParser.ArrayrowContext): array_rows += 1 for j in i.getChildren(): # Check if child is a parameter, and save value and position if isinstance(j, blackbirdParser.ParameterLabelContext): parameters.append((len(value), _expression(j))) # Check if the child is not the column delimiter ',' elif j.getText() != ",": value.append(_expression(j)) try: final_value = np.array(value, dtype=NUMPY_TYPES[vartype]) except TypeError: line = ctx.start.line col = ctx.start.column raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Array var {} is not of declared type {}".format( line, col, name, vartype ) ) # if the array is defined as a single parameter, then split it up into the correct shape and # rename the parameters to 'parametername_i_j' for indices i and j in the array if final_value.size == 0 and len(parameters) == 1: if not ctx.shape(): line = ctx.start.line col = ctx.start.column raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Array template var {} has no shape defined.".format( line, col, name ) ) final_value = [] for i in range(shape[0]): final_value.append([]) for j in range(shape[1]): param = sym.Symbol(parameters[0][1].name + "_{}_{}".format(i, j)) final_value[-1].append(param) final_value = np.array(final_value) _PARAMS.extend(final_value.flatten()) _PARAMS.remove(parameters[0][1]) else: # if any elements are parameters, then change array type to object and # re-insert parameters into array at the correct position if parameters: final_value = final_value.astype(object) for p in parameters: final_value = np.insert(final_value, p[0], p[1]) # reshape the array into the correct shape and check with declared shape final_value = final_value.reshape(array_rows, -1) actual_shape = final_value.shape if shape and actual_shape != shape: line = ctx.start.line col = ctx.start.column raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): Array var {} has declared shape {} " "but actual shape {}".format(line, col, name, shape, actual_shape) ) # if a p-type parameter is used in a tdm program, it would be considered # a free parameter (stored in `_PAR`) and thus shouldn't be set with a # value during expression evaluation; although, since it always has an # accompanying variable it also needs to be stored in `_VAR` with its # corresponding value if self._program._type["name"] == "tdm" and is_ptype(name): _PARAMS.append(name) _VAR[name] = final_value
[docs] def exitStatement(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.StatementContext): """Run after exiting a quantum statement. Args: ctx: statement context """ if isinstance(ctx.parentCtx, blackbirdParser.ForloopContext): if self._in_for: return if ctx.operation(): op = ctx.operation().getText() elif ctx.measure(): op = ctx.measure().getText() # get modes; if variables, replace with corresponding values modes = [m for m in ctx.arrayrow().getChildren() if m.getText() != ","] for i, m in enumerate(modes): m = _expression(m) if isinstance(m, (int, np.integer)): modes[i] = m else: raise ValueError("Mode must be of type int, not {}".format(type(m))) self._program._modes |= set(modes) if ctx.arguments(): op_args, op_kwargs = _get_arguments(ctx.arguments()) # convert any sympy expressions into regref transforms for idx, a in enumerate(op_args): if isinstance(a, sym.Expr): if not set(a.free_symbols) <= set(_PARAMS): # the symbols in the expression are not # a subset of the template parameters # Therefore, it includes a regref statement. op_args[idx] = RegRefTransform(a) for k, v in op_kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, sym.Expr): if not set(v.free_symbols) <= set(_PARAMS): # the symbols in the expression are not # a subset of the template parameters # Therefore, it includes a regref statement. op_kwargs[k] = RegRefTransform(v) operation = {"op": op, "args": op_args, "kwargs": op_kwargs, "modes": modes} else: operation = {"op": op, "modes": modes} # check if statement is included from another file if operation["op"] in self._includes: bb = self._includes[operation["op"]][1] # make sure modes match if len(operation["modes"]) != len(bb.modes): raise ValueError( "Included operation {} acts on {} modes, " "but {} modes provided".format( operation["op"], len(bb.modes), len(operation["modes"]) ) ) if "kwargs" in operation: # operation is a template if not bb.is_template(): raise ValueError( "Included operation {} does not accept arguments".format(operation["op"]) ) if bb.parameters != set(operation["kwargs"]): raise ValueError( "Included operation {} must accept only keyword arguments {}".format( operation["op"], bb.parameters ) ) # instantiate template bb = bb(**operation["kwargs"]) else: # operation is not a template if bb.is_template(): raise ValueError( "Included operation {} missing keyword arguments {}".format( operation["op"], bb.parameters ) ) # mode mapping dictionary # maps the modes of the included program # to the modes it is applied to in the including program mode_map = dict(zip(bb.modes, operation["modes"])) for i in bb._operations: # for each operation in the included program, # update the applied mode to match the including # program i["modes"] = [mode_map[j] for j in i["modes"]] self._program._operations.extend(bb._operations) else: self._program._operations.append(operation)
def enterForloop(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ForloopContext): self._in_for = True def exitForloop(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ForloopContext): self._in_for = False if ctx.rangeval(): for_var = range(*[ int(c.getText()) for c in ctx.rangeval().getChildren() if c.getText() != ":" ]) elif ctx.vallist(): for_var = [] for c in ctx.vallist().getChildren(): if isinstance(c, blackbirdParser.ValContext): if c.expression() is not None: for_var.append(_expression(c.expression())) elif c.nonnumeric() is not None: for_var.append(_literal(c.nonnumeric())) for var in for_var: if ctx.NAME(): try: new_var = PYTHON_TYPES[ctx.vartype().getText()](var) if new_var != var: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError("invalid value {}; must be {}".format(var, ctx.vartype().getText())) _VAR[ctx.NAME().getText()] = new_var for statement in ctx.statement_list: self.exitStatement(statement) self._program._forvar[ctx.NAME().getText()] = np.array(for_var) if ctx.NAME(): del _VAR[ctx.NAME().getText()]
[docs] def exitProgram(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ProgramContext): """Run after exiting the program block. Args: ctx: program context """ self._program._var.update(_VAR) _VAR.clear() self._program._parameters.extend([p for p in _PARAMS if not is_ptype(p)]) _PARAMS.clear()
[docs] def enterProgram(self, ctx: blackbirdParser.ProgramContext): """Run after entering the program block. Args: ctx: program context """ _VAR.clear() self._program._var.update(_VAR) _PARAMS.clear() self._program._parameters.extend(_PARAMS)
[docs]def parse(data, listener=BlackbirdListener, cwd=None): """Parse a blackbird data stream. Args: data (antlr4.InputStream): ANTLR4 data stream of the Blackbird script Listener (BlackbirdListener): an Blackbird listener to use to walk the AST. By default, the basic :class:`~.BlackbirdListener` defined above is used. Returns: BlackbirdProgram: returns an instance of the :class:`BlackbirdProgram` class after parsing the abstract syntax tree """ lexer = blackbirdLexer(data) stream = antlr4.CommonTokenStream(lexer) parser = blackbirdParser(stream) parser.removeErrorListeners() parser.addErrorListener(BlackbirdErrorListener()) tree = parser.start() blackbird = listener(cwd=cwd) walker = antlr4.ParseTreeWalker() walker.walk(blackbird, tree) return blackbird.program