Source code for blackbird.error

# Copyright 2019 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-branches,too-many-instance-attributes
Syntax errors

**Module name:** :mod:`blackbird.error`

.. currentmodule:: blackbird.error

This module contains the class :class:`~.BlackbirdErrorListener`, which
inherits the standard ANTLR4 error listener, and overrides the default
``syntaxError`` method.

This custom listener enables us to:

1. Remove the extraneous Python traceback, which we generally do not
   want users to see.

2. Replace some common ANTLR error messages, which can be a bit obfuscating,
   with ones that are more informative.

Note that we do not try and replace *all* error messages, just the more
common ones that the user is likely to come across.


.. autosummary::

Code details
# pylint: disable=too-many-statements, protected-access
import sys
import antlr4

from .blackbirdParser import blackbirdParser

[docs]class NoTraceBack(Exception): """A generic exception with no traceback provided"""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg): """Method executed when the exception is called. Args: msg (str): message to be printed in the traceback """ # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called,unused-argument try: _ = sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno except AttributeError: pass
[docs]class BlackbirdSyntaxError(NoTraceBack): """Blackbird syntax error exception""" pass
[docs]class BlackbirdErrorListener(antlr4.error.ErrorListener.ErrorListener): """Custom error listener for Blackbird""" # At some point, it will be more scalable to introduce more parser rules # to explicitly match incorrect Blackbird code, to automate the exception handling. def syntaxError(self, recognizer, offendingSymbol, line, column, msg, e): if e: ctx = e.ctx else: # if the parser is able to recover from the error inline, no exception # is returned from the parser. Instead, we can get the context from the parser itself. ctx = recognizer._ctx if offendingSymbol.text in {";", "[", "]", "\\", "$", "@", "&", "%", "~", "`", "?"}: # inform the user of invalid symbol usage error_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): {} is not a valid Blackbird symbol." raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( error_msg.format(line, column + 1, offendingSymbol.text) ) from None if isinstance(ctx, blackbirdParser.ExpressionvarContext): # if we are in a variable declaration, inform the user which variable # has the syntax error, and what we are expecting var_name = var_type = ctx.vartype().getText() if not ctx.ASSIGN(): # equal sign was not found error_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): variable {} missing an assignment." raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1, var_name)) from None if offendingSymbol.text == "\n": # expression terminated midway by a new line error_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): variable {} has an incomplete value or expression" raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1, var_name)) from None # otherwise, return a more generic variable error syntax_msg = ( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): variable {} contains the " "symbol {} which is not a valid {}." ) raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( syntax_msg.format(line, column + 1, var_name, offendingSymbol.text, var_type) ) from None if isinstance(ctx, blackbirdParser.ArrayvarContext): # if we are in an array variable declaration var_name = if "expecting NEWLINE" in msg: # and there is no newline after the equals sign, raise an error error_msg = ( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): array declaration requires a new line after '=', " "followed by the indented and comma-separated array values." ) raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1, var_name)) from None # iterate up through the tree, and determine if we are in an array declaration parent_ctx = ctx while parent_ctx: parent_ctx = dict(parent_ctx.__dict__.items())["parentCtx"] if isinstance(parent_ctx, blackbirdParser.ArrayvarContext): # if we are in an array declaration, inform the user which variable # has the syntax error, and what we are expecting var_type = parent_ctx.vartype().getText() var_name = syntax_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): - array {} contains the symbol {} is not a valid {}." raise BlackbirdSyntaxError( syntax_msg.format(line, column + 1, var_name, offendingSymbol.text, var_type) ) from None if isinstance(ctx, blackbirdParser.StatementContext): # we are in a statement context if ctx.operation(): op_name = ctx.operation().NAME().getText() elif ctx.measure(): op_name = ctx.measure().MEASURE().getText() if msg == "mismatched input '\\n' expecting {INT, '(', '['}": # there are no modes provided, raise an error error_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): statement {} is missing modes." raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1, op_name)) from None if "expecting {NEWLINE, ')', ']'}" in msg: # there are additional integer mode numbers provided, but they are not comma separated, # or there are no matching brackets. error_msg = ( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): multiple modes must be separated by commas, " "and optionally enclosed in either square [] or round () brackets." ) raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1)) from None if isinstance(ctx, blackbirdParser.StartContext): if "expecting {NEWLINE, 'name'}" in msg: # no name metadata error_msg = ( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): blackbird 'name' statement is missing." ) raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1)) from None if isinstance(ctx, blackbirdParser.MetadatablockContext): if "expecting {NEWLINE, 'version'}" in msg: # no name metadata error_msg = ( "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): blackbird 'version' statement is missing." ) raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1)) from None # otherwise, return a general syntax error, and pass through the original ANTLR4 error message. error_msg = "Blackbird SyntaxError (line {}:{}): {}" raise BlackbirdSyntaxError(error_msg.format(line, column + 1, msg)) from None